How to process customer orders at the POS

  Before you start

Before you begin, make sure to enable order list visibility in the POS settings on the Admin tab. See the step-by-step instructions provided in the article How to Access the Customer Order List.

  Heads up

This article covers the Customer Order List on POS v4.10.0+.

How To

How do I process customer orders at the POS using the new Customer Order List?

Follow these steps

How you process an order depends on the order payment status and the delivery type. Regardless of the payment status or type, orders must be picked to transition to the next step in the fulfillment cycle. 

To process a customer order at the POS, follow the fulfillment steps specific to the payment status and delivery type.

Picking an order

You can choose to pick orders proactively, before customers or delivery drivers arrive in store for pickup. Picked orders are represented by the Picked status in the POS order list. If you choose to pick orders at the time the customer or delivery driver arrives, add the quantities from the Order Details page and instead of selecting Mark Ready, select Open on POS for unpaid order or Mark as Completed for paid orders.

To pick an order, follow these steps.

  1. Locate the order and select the Eye icon to open the Order Details page.
  2. In the Items section, select Add Quantity.
  3. Scan or enter the quantity you'd like to add. Then select Enter. When scanning line items with more than one unit, the quantity picked increments to the quantity scanned with each scan.
  4. Select Save Counts to save the picked quantities.
  5. To update the order status to Picked, select the Actions menu.
  6. Select Mark Ready. The order status updates to Picked.

Pre-paid pickup

Pre-paid pickup orders display a check mark under the Pre-Paid header in the POS Order List, and under the Delivery header display Pickup.

To process a pre-paid pickup order at the POS, follow these steps.

  1. Locate the order and select the Eye icon to open the Order Details page. 
  2. If the order hasn't been picked, select Add Quantity to pick the order.
  3. Select Save Counts.
  4. Select the Actions menu in the top right corner.
  5. To save the picked quantities and mark the order ready for pickup, select Actions > Mark Ready. This transitions the order to Picked status to complete when the customer arrives to pick up the order.
  6. To save the picked quantities and/or complete the order, select Actions > Mark Completed. This transitions the order to Invoiced status and finalizes the transaction.

Unpaid pickup

Unpaid orders display an X under the Pre-Paid header in the POS Order List, and under the Delivery header display Pickup.

Unpaid pickup orders start with most of the buttons disabled. Once the order is picked, processing actions become available. Unpaid pickup orders require payment collection to process, the Mark Completed action will never be available, Open on POS is used to collect payment.

To process an unpaid pickup order at the POS, follow these steps.

  1. Locate the order and select the Eye icon to open the Order Details page.
  2. If the order hasn't been picked, select Add Quantity to pick the order.
  3. Select Save Counts.
  4. To save the picked quantities and mark the order ready for pickup, select Actions > Mark Ready. This transitions the order to Picked status to complete when the customer arrives to pick up the order.
  5. To collect payment and complete the order, select Actions > Open on POS.
  6. Select the Customer Name from the parked transactions.
  7. From here, add additional items to the order before collecting payment or select Checkout to collect payment and process the transaction as usual.

Delivery orders

Delivery orders display Pending, Out for Delivery, or Delivered under the Delivery header in the POS Order List. Delivery orders also indicate the delivery date under the Del. Date header.

To process a delivery order at the POS, follow these steps.

  1. Locate the order and select the Eye icon to open the Order Details page.
  2. If the order hasn't been picked, select Add Quantity to pick the order.
  3. Select Save Counts.
  4. Select the Actions menu in the top right corner.
  5. To mark the order as ready for the delivery driver to collect, select Actions > Mark Ready. This transitions the order to Picked status to be completed when the delivery driver arrives to pick up the order.
  6. To mark the order as Invoiced after it's picked up by the delivery driver, select Actions > Mark Completed.
  7. Optional: Use the Actions menu to update the delivery status. The delivery status is integrated in most integrations and is updated by the delivery driver.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Why is the Mark Completed action grayed out on my order?
    Unpaid pickup orders require payment collection to process. The Mark Completed action will never be available for unpaid pickup orders. Use Open on POS to collect payment and finalize the transaction.
  2. How do I cancel an order?
    Select the Actions menu from the Order List, then select Cancel Order. Orders can also be canceled from the Actions menu on the Order Details page. Invoiced orders can't be canceled and must be voided or refunded.
  3. Why are some of my options disabled or missing from the Actions menu on the Order Details page?
    All orders must be picked before processing. From the Order Details page, select Add Quantity beside each item on the order. Save picked quantities by selecting Save Counts or Actions > Mark Ready.
    Depending on the order type, some options are never available in the Actions dropdown, as the option isn't part of the fulfillment cycle. For example, pre-paid orders can't be opened at the POS since payment has already been collected for the specific items and changes to the order impact the payment amount. Paid pickup orders can't be marked as completed as payment is required to complete the transaction.
  4. How do I return to the Order List from the Order Details page?
    Select the Order List icon from the left hand menu of the POS.

More Information

For more information, see the articles:

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