Getting Started with the Order List at the POS

  Before you start

Before you begin, make sure to enable order list visibility in the POS settings on the Admin tab. See the step-by-step instructions provided in the article How to Access the Customer Order List.

  Heads up

This article covers the Order List on POS v4.10.0+.

What's new?

We've re-designed the POS Order List. Make sure you're using POS v4.10.0 or higher and check out what's new.

Hide invoiced orders

We've added a toggle to hide invoiced orders from visibility in the POS Order List. To hide invoiced orders, go to the Order List and toggle on Hide invoiced orders.

Review order details

Review order details directly from the POS. To access the order details page, locate the order you wish to review in the Order List and select the Eye icon.

Use the Order Details page to review the order status, additional reference number, the date the order was received, the payment status, the customer name, the delivery date (if applicable), and the delivery status. The Order Details page also displays a list of items on the order, including SKU, name, size, shelf location, quantity ordered and quantity picked.

This Order Details page is also where you access the Actions menu used to process orders.

Print receipts for orders at the POS

We've added the option to print receipts at the POS. Follow these steps.

  1. Locate the order and select the Eye icon to open the Order Details page.
  2. Select the Actions menu.
  3. Select Print Receipt.

Scan and pick orders from the POS

We've added scanning and order picking to the workflow in the POS Order List.

To pick an order, follow these steps.

  1. Locate the order and select the Eye icon to open the Order Details page.
  2. In the Items section, select Add Quantity.
  3. Scan or enter the quantity you'd like to add. Then select Enter. When scanning line items with more than one unit, the quantity picked increments to the quantity scanned with each scan.
  4. Select Save Counts to save the picked quantities.
  5. To update the order status to Picked, select the Actions menu.
  6. Select Mark Ready. The order status updates to Picked.

Forced picking orders

When enabled, orders at the POS can't be processed until they're picked. What's the use case? Reduce fulfillment errors in busy, and often regulated, retail environments by requiring each item on an order to be picked. The quantities picked must match exactly with what's on the order to finalize the transaction.

To enable forced picking orders, follow these steps.

  1. Access the POS settings area.
  2. Go to the Admin tab.
  3. Under Order List, select Force picking orders.

  Heads up

In v4.10.0, Forced picking orders can't be disabled. We plan to make this setting optional in a future release.

View the Additional Reference field

Click and collect and other eCommerce integrations use the Additional Reference field to display their order number. We've added this field to the POS Order List to make processing web or in-store kiosk orders from integrations platforms easier.

There are two ways to view the Additional Reference number at the POS. 

Actions menu in the POS Order List 

Select Actions beside an order in the POS Order list to view the Additional Reference number.

Order Details page

To view the Additional Reference number from the Order Details page, follow these steps.

  1. Locate the order and select the Eye icon to open the Order Details page.
  2. See the Additional Reference number beside the header Ref #.

Pre-Paid vs. unpaid orders

Use the Pre-Paid header in the POS Order List to determine if payment collection is required.

  • Pre-paid. Pre-paid orders display a check mark under the Pre-paid header in the POS Order List.
  • Unpaid. Unpaid orders display an X under the Pre-paid header in the POS Order List.

Payment status is also reflected on the Order Details page.

Delivery vs. in-store pickup

Use the Delivery header in the POS Order List to determine if an order is for in-store pickup or delivery.

  • Delivery. Delivery orders display Pending, Out for Delivery, or Delivered under the Delivery header in the POS Order List. Delivery orders also indicate the delivery date under the Del. Date header.
  • Pickup. Pickup orders display Pickup under the Delivery header in the POS Order List.

Delivery type and status is also reflected on the Order Details page.

Color coded order statuses

The POS Order List now uses colored indicators. Users can reference the color of the status to quickly determine where the order is sitting in the fulfilment cycle.

The color coding on the POS order list is outlined below.

  • Red. Status is Received (New) or Opened (Ready to Pick). Orders where the status is highlighted in red indicate action is needed.
  • Purple. Status is Picked. Orders where the status is highlighted in purple indicate the order is in progress but not yet completed.
  • Gray. Status is Invoiced, Merged or Cancelled. Orders where the status is highlighted in gray indicate the order is completed, cancelled or otherwise non-active, indicating no further action is required.

Why not just reference the order status?

Not all stores use all of the GT Order statuses. Color coded indicators provide flexibility to manage unique fulfillment cycles that vary between industry and store.

For example, some integrations send new orders into GlobalTill with the order status Received (New), and a team member transitions the order to Opened (Ready to Pick) after it has been reviewed. Some integrations skip the Received (New) status and send new orders into GlobalTill with the order status Opened (Ready to Pick). Both statuses indicate the order is in phase one of the fulfillment cycle, using the red color-coding alerts users that action is needed regardless of the order status itself.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Is there a specific status I should look for when processing orders?
    The order status varies depending on your store's fulfillment cycle. For example, some integrations send new orders into GlobalTill with the order status Opened (Ready to Pick), some integrations send new orders into GlobalTill with the order status Received (New). We recommend referring to internal process for guidance on what specific status to use at your store, or follow the color coding. 
  2. How do I return to the order list from the Order Details page?
    Select the Order List icon from the left hand menu of the POS.
  3. Why aren't pre-paid orders displaying a checkmark under the Pre-Paid header?
    You must be using an integration that transfers payment details upon order creation. To confirm there is a payment for an order, login to the GT Backend and select Selling > Customer Orders, open the order and at the bottom of the page you will see under Order Deposit a list of payments and respective authorization numbers.
  4. Why doesn't every order display a delivery date?
    Pickup orders don't have a delivery date.
  5. Why are some of the options grayed out or missing from the Actions menu on the Order Details page?
    Not every action is available for every order type. For example, pre-paid orders don't require payment collection at the POS, so the Open on POS action is grayed out for all pre-paid orders.

More Information

For more information, see the articles:

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